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To Set Sales Lifecycle in CentraHub CRM

To Set Sales Lifecycle in CentraHub CRM

CentraHub CRM Support

1. Go to settings of CentraHub CRM. Type Sales Life Cycle in the search box on the left side of the screen.

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CentraHub CRM Support

2. From the drop-down list of business, Click on Sales life cycle.

3. In the Sales Life Cycle list page, enter the relevant details.

Field Specification of New Sales Life Cycle

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Enter the Sales Life Cycle name.


Enter description related to the Sales Life Cycle.

Overall SLC age

Enter the overall age of SLC.


Select Active to set the Sales Life Cycle as default in your CRM

4. Click save.

CentraHub CRM Support

Stage: To create the stage, Click on “Add stage”.

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CentraHub CRM Support

Stage Details: Enter details for each stage of the Sales Life Cycle. As shown in the picture below.

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Opportunity: Enter the opportunity stages where you can forecast your sales.

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Documents: Attach all documents related to the Sales Life Cycle.

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Escalation Trigger: Set the escalation rule to identify in which stage it needs to be triggered. (Click on Add to create the escalation rules)

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Stage start & end Trigger: Set the start and end time of the trigger. Select the template for how it has to be triggered.

List of Stages in Sales Life Cycle

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Stage Mapping: Select in which stage quotation and sales order have to be created

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Products: Enter the product in the Sales Life Cycle. (To add more products, click + option and to delete, click on the Delete icon)

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CentraHub CRM Support

4. Click Finish.

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