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CentraHub CRM

Are you tired of juggling multiple SLAs, struggling to meet deadlines, and constantly firefighting to resolve customer issues?

With our SLA management software, those days are behind you—no more missed deadlines – just seamless service delivery and satisfied customers at every turn.

CentraHub's SLA management software isn't just another tool; it's designed to revolutionize how you manage your service commitments. With intuitive dashboards and customizable workflows, you can easily track the status of all your SLAs in real-time. Do you need to prioritize urgent requests or escalate issues to the right team member? Our CRM software has you covered. With automated alerts and notifications, you'll never miss a deadline again, ensuring prompt resolution of customer issues and bolstering their trust in your brand.

However, our SLA management CRM system isn't limited to just handling SLAs. It's a multifaceted solution that transforms your entire service delivery process. With its arsenal of built-in analytics and reporting tools, you gain access to invaluable insights that drive service excellence. By monitoring indicators like response times and resolution rates, you can pinpoint areas for enhancement and tailor your strategies accordingly. Additionally, analyzing customer feedback allows you to better understand their pain points and preferences, enabling you to fine-tune your service delivery for maximum satisfaction. It thus equips you with the visibility and data-driven decision-making capabilities needed to elevate your customer service to new heights.

And let's not forget about the power of automation. Our CRM software takes automation to the next level, empowering your team to work smarter, not harder. Gone are the days of manually assigning tickets or updating customers on the status of their requests. With the system, you no longer need to waste precious time on repetitive tasks or get bogged down in manual processes. Tickets are automatically assigned to the right agent based on SLA priority, ensuring that urgent issues are addressed promptly and efficiently. Plus, customers receive proactive updates on the status of their requests, keeping them informed every step of the way. Automation allows your team to streamline workflows and focus their energy on delivering exceptional service.

However, perhaps the greatest benefit of our SLA management software is the impact it has on your bottom line. When you consistently deliver exceptional service and go above and beyond to exceed customer expectations, the rewards are plentiful. Happy customers are not only more likely to make repeat purchases, but they're also willing to spend more and are less price-sensitive. This increased customer lifetime value directly impacts your revenue and profitability, setting the stage for sustainable, long-term growth. This also paves the way for acquiring new customers through positive word-of-mouth referrals and glowing reviews.

So, are you ready to take your service delivery to the next level? It's time to ditch the spreadsheets and outdated systems and embrace the future of SLA management with our CRM Software. With its powerful features, intuitive interface, and unparalleled support, the system becomes the key to unlocking your full potential and delivering world-class service that sets you apart from the competition.

Are you prepared to elevate your service delivery game to new heights? It's time to ditch the cumbersome spreadsheets and outdated systems and welcome the future of SLA management with our cutting-edge CRM Software. With its robust features, user-friendly interface, and unparalleled support, it's the gateway to unlocking your organization's full potential. Harness its power to equip your business with world-class service that catapults you ahead of the competition while making a lasting impact on your customers.

CentraHub CRM
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Create Custom SLA Rules

sla project management

Create Custom SLA Rules

Organizations handle hundreds of business accounts day-in and out. It’s always better to lay out a set of rules which clearly define your service level agreements. Create, edit, and update custom SLA rules tailor-made to individual accounts.

Define contract-based SLAs from within the CRM platform such that your customers would understand their service standards and your support team would have clearly defined goals to meet.

sla project management

Set-up Business Hours

sla management software

Set-up Business Hours

Finding it hard to meet SLAs of client's from different time zones? Pause SLAs whenever necessary such that your service experts aren't to be blamed. Pause your SLAs to suit your business hours or according to your client's time zone. Freeze SLAs when tickets have issues regarding customer responses. We leave no stone unturned to ensure you meet your service standards.

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Create SLA Events

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Create SLA Events

Centrahub helps you create SLA events in case of incidents such as the initial agreement between both the parties, SLA violation circumstances, and SLA Jeopardy, etc. Example, you can create an event to agree on the SLAs by clearly defining your service standards and then send it for the first response from your clients.

Once the client accepts the request, you can sign the resolution upon mutual agreement.

sla management software

SLA Templates

sla management software

SLA Templates

One of the best contact management features would include creating and scheduling tasks and appointments. Centrahub's contact database software comes with a special tool kit which enables its users to schedule tasks and appointments to meet their client's demands.

Create and share tasks with your teammates to never miss a deadline again. Enhance team productivity by automating recurring tasks to save time and dime processing your business requirements.

SLA Reports

sla management software

SLA Reports

Defining SLAs alone is not sufficient. Constant monitoring and analysis of team performance are necessary to live up to the SLAs. Generate daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly SLA reports and monitor service level agreement metrics, and team performance to work towards fulfilling your SLAs.

sla management software

Advanced Monitoring and Alert System

CentraHub CRM software is integrated with advanced SLA in ticketing tool and capabilities to help you monitor and execute SLA jobs and plans. For instance, when an SLA plan contains multiple jobs, and a specific time is allocated for each of them, exceeding the time limit means a breach of the agreement. Our automated SLA management software can take-charge to monitor the plan progress and notify you about the approaching deadline for avoiding plan breaches.

Dynamic Resource Provisioning

Our SLA management system offers just-in-time resource planning provision, allowing you to assign jobs to more staff whenever needed. Leverage the system to eliminate the complication in jobs that is in danger of SLA breaching.

For example, when an SLA job is delayed or taking longer to complete than expected, you can use the automated SLA management software to engage additional resources and ensure the job is completed on time.

SLA Job Prioritizing

For any business, some jobs are more critical than others and they need to be completed within the specified deadline. With our SLA management software, you can set job priorities and allocate resources. This enables you to establish a smoother workflow while preventing routine, non-deadline jobs from coming into the queue and taking up resources.

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Asset Management

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Courier Management

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Facilities Management

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Professional Services

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Project Management

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Real Estate

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SLA management CRM

Alan Sakr

GM, Consent Group

The Centra CRM software has given us a centralized view on your business and control everything we do.

SLA management CRM

Juan Dorfling

Director, AIES

It is not a difficult system to learn. The quality of training that was provided for staff at head office was good and they now enjoying on the system.

CRM Software that's easy to implement and use

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