1. CentraHub
  2. HCM
  3. ESS Portal

Foster Employee Confidence and Decrease Labor-Intensive Administration With Self-Serve

Personal Information Management

Personal Information Management

The Employee Self-Service (ESS) portal in CentraHub HCM empowers your employees to take control of their personal information. It allows them to easily update essential details, including contact information and emergency contacts, without the need for HR intervention. This fosters a sense of ownership, and significantly reduces your HR team' s administrative burden on .

By offering a secure platform for employees to manage their data, CentraHub HCM enhances data accuracy and streamlines the maintenance of employee records, which contributes to a more efficient and responsive HR management process, benefitting your organization as a whole.

Payroll Information

Payroll Information

The ESS in CentraHub HCM empowers your employees with seamless access to essential payroll information. This includes the ability to view and download pay stubs, tax forms, and manage direct deposit details. By putting these financial tools directly in the hands of employees, it streamlines administrative processes, reduces the workload on HR teams, and fosters financial transparency. This feature ensures that employees have control over their financial data and enhances the overall efficiency of HR management.

Payroll Information
Leave Requests

Leave Requests

The user-friendly ESS software allows users to take control of their leave management. Whether it is for vacations, sick days, or personal time, this feature allows your employees instantly submit leave requests. They also have access to their leave balances, enabling better planning and transparency.

Benefits Enrollment

Benefits Enrollment

CentraHub HCM simplifies benefits management through its employee self-service portal. Employees can effortlessly enroll in or make adjustments to benefit plans, including health insurance and retirement contributions. This user-friendly interface ensures that employees have convenient access to essential benefit information and the flexibility to tailor their coverage to their needs. The system provides real-time updates on plan selections, allowing for easy tracking and verification.

Benefits Enrollment
Timesheet Management

Timesheet Management

The employee self-service software in CentraHub HCM empowers employees to take control of their time-related tasks. Employees can efficiently enter their working hours, request overtime, and meticulously track attendance records. This not only simplifies time and attendance management but also ensures accuracy in recording hours worked. The system fosters transparency and accountability, allowing employees to manage their schedules and work-related hours with ease, while enabling HR departments to streamline payroll processing and comply with labor regulations.

Performance Management

Performance Management

In the ESS Portal, employees can conveniently access and complete performance appraisal forms, set personal and professional development goals, and continuously monitor their progress. This fosters a sense of ownership over their career development but also enables real-time feedback and goal tracking. Such features empower employees to align their efforts with organizational objectives, ultimately enhancing productivity and job satisfaction.

Performance Management
Training and Development

Training and Development

ESS in CentraHub HCM simplifies training and development. Employees can easily enroll in training programs tailored to their professional growth, track completed courses, and conveniently request reimbursement for educational expenses. This empowers your employees to take charge of their professional development, aligning personal growth with organizational objectives.

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Document Access

Integrated ESS portal facilitates easy access to crucial documents, including company policies, employee handbooks, and various forms. This feature empowers employees by providing a centralized and readily accessible repository for essential information, ensuring that they can stay informed about organizational guidelines and procedures. This promotes transparency, compliance, and informed decision-making within the workforce, contributing to a more efficient and well-informed work environment.

crm accounting software
Communication Hub

Communication Hub

CentraHub HCM's employee self-service system acts as a communication hub to keep your employees informed and engaged. It is where your staff can access company announcements, receive real-time updates, and stay informed about important notifications. This feature ensures that employees are kept up-to-date with relevant information, fostering a sense of connectivity and awareness within the organization.

Feedback and Surveys

Feedback and Surveys:

CentraHub HCM empowers employees to actively engage in their work environment through convenient participation in surveys, suggestion submission, and feedback provision. This fosters a culture of open communication, allowing employees to express their opinions, offer valuable insights, and contribute to the continuous improvement of the workplace. By providing an accessible platform for feedback, CentraHub HCM strengthens employee engagement and ensures that their voices are heard, leading to a more positive and productive work atmosphere.

Feedback and Surveys


Workforce management













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Director, AIES

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