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  3. HR Management

Collect HR Data You Need to Improve Employee Productivity and Create a Better Workplace

Employee Information Forms

Employee Information Forms

HR e-forms play a fundamental role in human resource management by serving as crucial tools for collecting and documenting essential employee information. CentraHub HCM includes an Employee personal information form that encompasses a wide array of details, ranging from contact information to emergency contacts and personal data. They are the foundation for building comprehensive employee profiles, ensuring your HR departments have accurate and up-to-date records. Beyond the administrative function, these forms are instrumental in streamlining onboarding, compliance, and various HR processes. As your organization shifts towards digital solutions, HR forms are increasingly digitized, making data collection more efficient and secure while enhancing data accessibility and management.

Job Application Forms

Job Application Forms

Candidate evaluation forms in CentraHub HCM play a pivotal part in the recruitment process, especially when collecting data from job applicants. They encompass a wide array of documents, including resumes, cover letters, and comprehensive information detailing an applicant's qualifications and experience. Resumes provide a snapshot of an applicant's work history, skills, and education, while cover letters offer insights into their motivation and alignment with the organization. These forms are instrumental in evaluating candidate suitability, ensuring the recruitment process is thorough and efficient, and ultimately facilitating the selection of the most qualified individuals to join the workforce.

Job Application Forms
Employee Onboarding Forms

Employee Onboarding Forms

Employment application is one of the essential HR forms in the hiring process, enabling the efficient collection of vital information to roll out an offer letter. Employee onboarding form in CentraHub HCM captures critical data such as direct deposit preferences, ensuring timely payroll processing. They also acknowledge and communicate company policies and procedures to new hires, fostering compliance and understanding. By streamlining these administrative tasks, HR forms play a pivotal role in enhancing the overall efficiency of the hiring process.

performance Appraisal Forms

Performance Appraisal Forms

A performance appraisal form in CentraHub HCM is a pivotal tool in the HR process. It is instrumental in evaluating employee performance comprehensively, providing a structured platform for managers to set performance goals and objectives, and meticulously documenting performance reviews. The employee review form documents capture essential data, such as strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement, aiding in employee development. It information is crucial in decision-making processes related to promotions, compensation adjustments, and training needs. Furthermore, the HR form fosters open communication between employees and managers, contributing to a culture of continuous improvement and growth within the organization.

performance Appraisal Forms

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*All the above fields are mandatory

Employee Exit

Employee Exit Interview Forms

Employee exit interview forms are a vital component of the offboarding process. The HR forms used in the process serve as a structured mechanism for collecting valuable insights from employees who have resigned and departed. By conducting exit interviews, you can gain valuable feedback regarding the reasons for employee departures, workplace experiences, and potential areas for improvement. This feedback is crucial in making informed HR management decisions, such as addressing workplace issues, enhancing employee retention strategies, and improving company culture.

Employee Surveys

Poll Summary and Poll Details

Employee satisfaction polls are instrumental tools for soliciting valuable employee feedback on various critical topics. They provide a structured platform for gathering insights into job satisfaction, workplace culture, and overall engagement levels within an organization. Employee inputs on their experiences, opinions, and suggestions help you to identify areas of improvement and measure the effectiveness of HR initiatives. Employee survey forms play a pivotal role in improving workplace communication and fostering a sense of involvement among staff. Their results guide strategic decision-making, ensuring that the organization remains responsive to employee needs and continually evolves for the better.

Employee Surveys
Other HR Forms

Other HR Forms

CentraHub HCM also encompasses a diverse range of essential human resources documents and templates. These forms serve various HR functions, including disciplinary actions, expense claims, etc. The system also simplifies HR processes by providing customizable digital versions of these forms, helping businesses get more organized HR operations.

Reimbursement Claims

Expense and Reimbursement Claims

The reimbursement claims form streamlines the expense reimbursement process, offering a user-friendly interface for employees to submit claims easily. This feature simplifies the submission of expenses related to business travel, office supplies, or other work-related expenditures. With customizable fields and automated approval workflows, it enhances efficiency, reduces administrative burden, and ensures accurate and timely reimbursement for employees, thereby promoting transparency and compliance within the organization.

Reimbursement Claims


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