1. CentraHub
  2. HCM
  3. Reports Business

Implement Reports and BI Tools to Regulate and Control Your Company's Human Resource

Custom Reporting

Custom Reporting

The custom reporting feature in CentraHub HCM offers your HR team the flexibility to generate tailored reports that precisely align with their specific HR requirements. Whether diving into employee demographics, turnover rates, or performance metrics, the BI reporting system empowers you to extract, analyze, and present data according to their unique needs. This customization not only enhances data relevance but also simplifies decision-making processes, enabling HR teams to make more informed choices that drive workforce optimization and strategic HR planning.

Data Analysis

Data Analytics

In CentraHub HCM, the data analysis capability is a robust tool that efficiently processes extensive HR data. It empowers you to comprehensively analyze employee trends, engagement levels, and performance metrics. This feature in business intelligence reporting systems goes beyond mere data management, providing valuable insights that aid strategic decision-making. Scrutinizing this data it also helps you to identify opportunities for improvement, enhance employee engagement, and optimize workforce performance, ultimately fostering a more productive and informed workforce.

Data Analysis
Performance Metrics

Performance Metrics

The performance metrics feature in CentraHub HCM equips HR professionals to monitor and evaluate key performance indicators (KPIs) essential for understanding workforce productivity, turnover rates, and other vital metrics. The system generates custom BI reports to provide valuable insights that enable informed decision-making, foster efficient resource allocation, and help identify areas for improvement. By tracking KPIs, organizations can optimize their workforce management strategies, enhance overall productivity, and address workforce challenges effectively.

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CentraHub HCM includes advanced BI report generation tools, which aid information for forecasting your future HR requirements. By analyzing historical data, the system aids in strategic workforce planning and resource allocation. It enables HR professionals to proactively address staffing needs, ensuring the right talent is in place when required. This not only optimizes resource allocation but also promotes efficient and agile HR management, aligning the workforce with your organization's evolving needs and objectives.

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Use benchmarking features to measure your HR metrics against industry standards, pinpointing areas for enhancement. By assessing performance, employee engagement, and other vital metrics in the context of broader industry practices, your HR team can identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for growth. This data-driven approach helps in making informed decisions, enhancing HR strategies, and staying competitive in an ever-evolving business landscape. Benchmarking, thus, is a valuable tool for optimizing workforce management and driving organizational success.

Cost Analysis

Cost Analysis

Cost Analysis within CentraHub HCM software provides your HR professionals with a comprehensive tool for evaluating the financial implications of their decisions and strategies. The system generates automated BI reports on the financial impact of HR choices, and by assessing these, you can make informed decisions, allocate resources efficiently, and manage budgets effectively. This functionality is crucial for optimizing HR processes, ensuring that every investment in human capital aligns with organizational goals, and contributes to cost-efficiency and strategic financial planning.

Cost Analysis
Talent Analytics

Talent Analytics

The talent analytics feature in CentraHub HCM software is a strategic tool that helps your HR team identify high-performing employees and potential future leaders. Analyzing data provided by real-time BI reports on employee performance, skills, and growth potential empowers HR professionals to make informed decisions about succession planning. This enables them to nurture and prepare individuals for key roles, ensuring a smooth transition of leadership and maintaining workforce continuity. Talent analytics is a vital component in long-term talent management, promoting the benefits of effective succession strategies and leadership development.


Workforce management













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Director, AIES

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