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Steps for Record Cloning in CentraHub CRM

Steps for Record Cloning in CentraHub CRM

CentraHub CRM Software

1. Select the [Module] in the Search Box below CentraHub CRM Icon. ( Module refers to Accounts, Leads, etc. )

2. On the Home Page of Module, Click on any individual Record to view detail.

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CentraHub CRM Software

3. Click on the Clone Option in the Details page of the [Module] Record.

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4. Modify the required Details on the Edit [Module] page in the original Record and saves it as a New Record.

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CentraHub CRM Software

5. Click Save and the new record would be saved.

Note: There are two options, ‘Save’ and ‘Save and New’. The former would save the current Record you created while the latter would save the new Record and automatically open a fresh page to create another new Record.

You could use the ‘Cancel’ option to cancel the current Record creation.

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