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Steps to Create a Data Grid for the Module in CentraHub CRM

Steps to Create a Data Grid for the Module in CentraHub CRM

CRM Software Knowledge Base

1. Go to settings of CentraHub CRM, type Fields in the search box on the left side of the screen.

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2. From the drop-down list of Module Customization, click on the [Module] field to create a data grid for the module.

Note (Eg: Account fields)

3. In [Module] field page, click on Add Body field (A Field properties window would open).

4. On Field properties page, enter the relevant details.

Field Specification of Data Grid

CRM Software Knowledge Base

Group Name

Select the group name from the drop-down list.


Enter the caption for the field you want to create.


Enter the name of the field.

Control Type

Select the control type (text box, phone, email, website, or geolocation).

Data Type

Select the data type from the drop-down list (text, number, string, etc.)

Min size & Max size

Set the minimum size and maximum size of the field.

Default value

Enter the default value of the field.

Display Type

Select the display type from the drop-down list.

Tooltip text

Enter a brief explanation about the field in Tooltip text. It would help the CRM user know how the field can be used.

Banner text

Enter the banner text. Banner text is the watermark that gives users the idea of what to enter in the field.

Regular express

Set expression for the field (if it is email then it should be or any other mail address. Similarly, for the phone number, it should have numerical).

Error message

Enter the error message that would be displayed if there are any wrong entry of data in the field.

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Properties:Select the checkbox for properties of the field.

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Format: Set the format for the data grid field.

Row span & Col span Enter the row and column span value of the field.

Character casing Select the character casing from the drop-down list.

Text alignment Set the text alignment( left, center or right).

5. Click Save

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