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Customer Survey in CentraHub CRM

CentraHub CRM is equipped with the survey feature, with a user-friendly interface for creating customized feedback forms to help you gather customer feedback in the right way.

Steps to Create Survey form in CentraHub CRM

Steps to Create Survey form in CentraHub CRM

CentraHub CRM Support

1. Access the CentraHub CRM settings and type ‘survey’ in the search box.

CentraHub CRM Support
CentraHub CRM Support

2. Access the drop-down list of module customization and click on Survey.

3. In the Survey list page, click on New Survey to create a survey form.

CentraHub CRM Support

Field Specification of New Survey Form

Survey Name

This survey name would be displayed on the top of the form.


Enter the description related to the survey.

Message on submit

Create a message that would be displayed after the survey-taker submits the survey form.

Message on skip

Create a message that would be displayed if a survey-taker skips of the form.

Start & End date

Select the start date and end date of the survey.

CentraHub CRM Support

2. Customize: You can create a customized survey form in the following format.

3. Preview: In preview, you can view the format of the survey form. You could also set the theme as required.

4. Click Finish to save the survey.

CentraHub CRM Support

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