CRM Software Blogs
Jan 16, 2023
Nandinee Biswas

How to Launch a Successful Marketing Campaign?

Marketing campaigns are highly effective means to promote brand positioning, which leave an ever-lasting image in your customer’s minds. Every campaign aims to achieve specific goals which could include lead generation, lead nurturing, multiplying customer satisfaction, and many more. A successful marketing campaign can capture the attention of customers and elevate your brand image. People tend to believe in a myth that CRM (customer relationship management) software is just for sales professionals. Which indeed needs to be eradicated. CRM is the best tool that can strengthen your marketing strategy. CRM marketing automation streamlines and optimizes a wide spectrum of marketing activities.

According to the statical data, Email is 40 times more effective at getting new customers than Facebook and Twitter combined. Email also has 2x higher ROI than cold calling.

What is Marketing Campaign?

Campaign is “a series of connected operations designed to reach a specific goal.”

Campaign management software helps you create, monitor, and measure outcomes of your marketing programs across different paid and organic media. It is used to execute marketing strategies and maximize the profits of a sale. These tasks can be automated or streamlined using campaign management software, a necessary tool to keep you on top of your ever-expanding marketing channels.

Marketing campaigns are organized efforts to promote a specific company goal, such as to raise awareness of a new product or capture customer feedback. The aim is to reach consumers in a variety of ways which involves a combination of media, including email, print advertising, television or radio advertising, pay-per-click, and social media. Marketing activities require planning and administering every single detail before you automatically executive the campaign on various channels. From the initial promotions to the outcomes, each stage of the marketing campaign has to be custom made to achieve desired results.

Steps to Plan and Execute a Successful Marketing Campaign

1. Tailor your marketing campaigns to suit your business requirements

Drafting a perfect marketing plan is the first and foremost crucial detail which you’ll have to get right. Pen down your campaign objectives along with strategies which suit your target market for the products and services of your marketing campaign. Set goals and milestones to help you stay on track. By drawing a relationship between your marketing campaigns and your business goals, you will be able to identify your target market and widen the reach of your audience.

2. How do you define your campaign objectives?

What does your campaign intend to achieve? The campaign’s main objective should be as specific as possible to widen the reach of your target audience. Set key performance indicators which monitor the results of your campaign objectives such that the parameters are focused, and you can measure the effectiveness of the campaign as it proceeds. For example, indicate the number of new subscribers you wish to target through your campaign.

Formula to measure your campaign success = objectives to achieve + how long will the marketing campaign run?

3. Set your best marketing campaign budget

Your marketing budget and the strategies you wish to execute are highly co-dependent. The most effective way to reach your customers may not come at an easy price, so be realistic when allocating your budget.

65% of consumers agreed that positive customer experience plays a more influential role than advertising or plain marketing.

4. Carefully pick the communication channels you wish to execute your campaigns

What communication channels are you using? email, social media or consumer forums? To better answer this question, you will have to pick the channels which suit your target market. Hence, understand and execute your campaigns to perfectly suit your demographics. For instance, don’t place radio ads if your target market does not regularly listen to the radio. Consider where your target markets spend their time.

5. Create a timeline and an action plan

Create a timeline of what you are going to do and when. These milestones will help you achieve your targets with metrics to track and monitor your campaign results. For instance, suppose you are selling bicycle seats designed to be more comfortable than the existing ones in the market. The timeline should ideally include milestones to achieve sales targets and an action plan to market the benefits of the product most effectively.

6. Execute the campaign

The purpose of contact management is to streamline the process of organizing customer contact information effectively. The contact management software makes it easy for organizations to store and retrieve contact information in an orderly fashion.

Streamline the marketing activities involved in your campaigns. Write an ad copy. Firm up your dates and place your ads. Review your action plan timeline, cross your checklists, and take care of the minute details involved in executing your campaigns such as brand mentions and tags.

7. Measure your campaign results

When the campaign is over, it’s time to measure its success. However, for the most bang for your buck, planning and using metrics is the best strategy. A CRM system would do complete justice to your investments by tracking the source of new leads and accurately measuring campaign results.

How can CRM software help in creating a better marketing campaign?

Focused targeting

Marketing campaign concentrates on creating and conveying an impactful brand message. So you need to consider breaking your customers into small groups for focused targeting. However, digging into a large pool of data is a tedious task. You can avoid such clutter with a CRM where all your customer information is systematically streamlined in a single place. With this data, you can understand their buying patterns and preferences. It helps you identify potential prospects worth pursuing. CRM will save your time and efforts as well as help generate leads that convert.

Create segments

Campaign CRM can easily group customers based on their shared interest, traits, requirements, and purchases. Define criteria and segment your audience according to the requirements of the entire market. Campaign segmentation is possible with a CRM that allows you to create segments which add clarity while performing various marketing activities. CRM gives you a holistic view of these specific groups to understand them better. Leverage this data to cross-sell products to other groups of people and track campaign performances directly from your CRM platform. Target those particular traits and characteristics while creating your marketing campaigns. Learn your customer likes, dislikes, and recent activities from the available data in your CRM to craft personalized solutions. Customers pay more attention to personalized messages as they can relate to them, which increases the chances of positive responses.

Personalized marketing content

Personalized content is relevant and better perceived. Customers react quickly to such content. With CRM, marketers can know exactly who their customers are and what their requirements are. It becomes easier to personalize the content and target the specific needs of the customers.

CRM software allows you to address your potential and existing customers by their name and company details. Not to mention that knowing whether you are addressing a man or a woman, an ordinary salesperson or a top manager would significantly help you tailor the content of your messages and grab customers’ attention.

Better accountability

CRM has a reporting functionality which makes it easier to track the effectiveness of your marketing activities. You can understand which marketing campaigns were successful, and why they were successful, and where you need to put in extra efforts to maximize ROI. It helps marketers make better decisions and build more effective strategies to improve the response rate. Moreover, once you set a process for tracking and analyzing data, you will be able to create reports more quickly.

Email Marketing Automation in Campaign Management

Marketing campaigns are generally intended to reach the target audience through emails. As previously mentioned, the segmentation of your contact database is essential to deliver the right message to the right person. Irrespective of the complexity of your target audience’s diversity and its threshold, manually segmenting your customer list and scheduling its delivery is time-consuming, arduous, and prone to human errors.

The tedious time-consuming process also becomes a problem when you manually send tailored newsletters to each audience. A consumer who receives a product recommendation immediately after their purchase is more likely to appreciate its content—which elevates customer engagement and loyalty—rather than when they receive it a few days later when it’s no longer relevant.

15% of marketers surveyed say their company still does not regularly review email opens and clicks; only 23% say they have integrated their website and emails to track what happens after a click. (MarketingProfs, 2016)

CRM software is a giant help in automating email marketing through campaign management software. This comes in two types. The first is referred to as trigger campaigns, which are email campaigns that dispatch automatically based on a customer’s action to a pre-designed newsletter or pre-determined behavior. The second is lifecycle campaigns that follow your customer’s entire lifecycle from automated holiday and birthday greetings to emails sent due to inactivity during a specified timeframe.

Campaign Analytics Using CRM Software

Know what content works best for you. Campaign statistics help you identify the most effective content which is responsible for maximum conversions and the number of people your campaigns reach. These crucial metrics help you effectively analyze your marketing campaign’s lifecycle.

Analytics gives you a fair idea about which campaigns are successful and why they are successful. You’ll also be able to determine campaigns that are ineffective and take necessary actions to improvise or discontinue to make sure each of your marketing efforts counts.

Manually recording and managing your analytics—such as using spreadsheets—is redundant, expensive, and unsustainable. The marketing industry runs in a fast-paced and progressive environment and not automating this process will make it difficult for your business to keep up. Not having accurate information in real-time can debilitate all your other campaign management tasks and business decisions. CRM software analysis and measurement are optimized to give you data, which helps you evaluate your campaigns and learn more about your customers—both existing and potential ones. This information is also crucial for your marketing efforts to work hand-in-hand with sales strategies. Data such as sales and lead generation numbers and customer preferences and trends can be turned into dashboards for insightful visualizations in real-time.

Segment your prospects to effectively convert them into end-users using the sales campaign in CRM. There are six awesome ideas to run a successful sales campaign.

Build long-lasting customer relations

Take care of your customers, and your customers will take care of your business. Nurture your prospects and customers through every stage of the sales funnel and via post-sale campaigns. Create email templates that focus on the needs of your prospects and provide the right information and answers to all their queries in less than no time.

Improvise product experience

CRM can make all the difference by instantly making customers feel comfortable. The main objective of improving the product experience is to create a tailor-made experience by personalizing activities to the users, such as onboarding email sequence.

Win customers love and attention

In a competitive market, reducing customer acquisition costs, increasing customer retention, and maximizing the customer life cycle are the end goals of any organization. Communication is the key to building a great customer relationship. Using sales campaigns, you can stay engaged with your customers consistently, target them based on emails activities, and establish real, valuable, and long-term relationships.

Build customer retention

Customer retention can act towards the good fortune of your organization in many different ways. For example, you can easily upsell to existing loyal customers when compared to new customers. The phrases “may I interest you in a warranty package for your new smartphone?” can work wonders. If a customer purchases a product from your website, send them emails offering products that will make their purchase better, easier, or save them time and increase revenue. Data from Forbes indicates that 90% of the customer value is obtained after the initial sale. Activate sales campaigns to deliver maximum value to existing customers, and generate a faster revenue growth with intelligent and well-timed upselling email campaigns.

According to Marketing metrics, “ Business has 60% to 70% chance of selling to an existing customer while the probability of selling to a new prospect is only 5% to 20%.

Maximize revenue potential

The magic tool to maximize revenue is the ultimate “word-of-mouth.” People are easily influenceable, and as a marketer, it is your responsibility to push your customers to spread the word-of-mouth. Reward your customers for spreading the word with discount coupons and special status to delight them. The audience will purchase a product if the people they trust recommend it. Cross-selling is an advantage for this kind of behavior. Up your revenue by understanding your customers’ behavior and by sending them the right message at the right time.

Final Thoughts

Marketing campaigns are time-consuming tasks which deliver results when rightly executed. Each initiative needs to be properly planned and well thought before you begin the campaign. Without any proper planning, your marketing campaign is likely to fail. Hope this article has added some value in drafting a successful marketing campaign for your organization.

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